Just install via ADB or save to your xoom and install normally.
You will need to uninstall your current version of flash for this to work.
**You need Root to use this application**
**In order for this to work, make sure you are using Dolphin HD or another browser that is set for Desktop mode.**
**If you are not running one of the ROMs that sets the UA to Desktop you must manually change it each time you open the stock browser. To do this follow these steps.
1) Once the stock browser is open, type "about:debug" in the address line and hit enter. It will appear as though nothing has changed so this is normal.
2) Open the browser settings. Now you will see items such as "Dump Navigation Cache", etc.
3) Go into Settings>Debug. Here you will see UAString. You can set the UA to desktop and then hit back. This will stay until the browser is closed.**
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